Social Snapshot: Laurie Riemer
The mediator and Miami Children's Museum gala chair speaks to us in her own words.

Since 1990, Laurie Riemer has dedicated herself full time to providing dispute resolution services. She has extensive experience in mediating and arbitrating thousands of diverse cases, including complex, multiparty tort and commercial litigation disputes. She was appointed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Florida to serve on the Supreme Court Committee on Mediation and Arbitration Training and was also appointed in as Chairperson of the Mediation Committee of the Dade County Bar Association. Riemer has had advanced ADR training from the Harvard Law School Negotiation Project (1995), the Collins Center for Public Policy and the United States Postal Service.
Riemer was appointed as a Special Master in Shareholders derivative suit and has served as an umpire in insurance coverage disputes and in several blasting, mining and mold cases. She serves as a U.S. District Court Class Action Neutral for The Collins Center for Public Policy. She was selected by the CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution to serve on their Panel of Distinguished Neutrals and by the United States Postal Services as a mediator in their REDRESS program. She served as a moderator for a Women’s Forum of The Young Presidents’ Organization.