Social Styles: Fit for Fashion – Mercedes Benz at New York Fashion Week
Who Wore What to Where by Elysze Held

In South Florida, the name Elysze Held is synonymous with style. As founder and president of the Miami fashion/image consulting firm, Style Out of the City, Elysze is the personal stylist to WSVN 7/Deco Drive’s hosts, Lynn Martinez & Louis Aguirre and has dressed CEO’s, models, super-models, celebrities, socialites & fashionistas! Elysze frequently commutes to New York, is a field producer for Mercedes Benz New York Fashion week, and styles national advertising campaigns. With her stylist’s eye, she lets us know WHO WORE WHAT to WHERE!
Mercedes Benz New York Fashion Week is over. After dashing from Soho to Chelsea to Highline and back to Lincoln Center to see (& be seen) at over 30 Spring/Summer 2013 shows/collections from both backstage & the front row, I have returned to Miami, city in a constant state of Spring/Summer. The first question SocialMiami publisher Aaron Glickman asked me upon my return was “what was the most Miami experience you had at New York Fashion Week?”
The only answer would be Mercedes Benz’ Fit for Fashion event at Lincoln Center, showcasing their own fashion icon, the new 2013 G-class. An athletically sculpted bit of luxury in a class of its own (and I’m talking about a vehicle at Fashion Week).
The event featured a fashion fitness segment with Barry’s Bootcamp and provided a great list of “top 10 tips” from Barry’s and Mercedes-Benz on how to stay healthy and fit during Fashion Week- the designer handbag test, to see which fashionista can lift the heaviest haul of 20 lb. weights in the IT bag of the season, was clearly my personal favorite!
And the hosts? None other than the number ONE top model of the moment, the regal Joan Smalls, and Olympian Alex Morgan. And in the background… Herve Leger, the designer of choice for the sleek & chic.
Mercedes Benz Bootcamp – THE top model – an Olympian…a definite Miami moment.