Five Questions for Nancy Levitt Davis
Director of Development at New World Symphony

Nancy Levitt Davis moved to Key Biscayne from Manhattan in 2003 with her husband Scott. Today they have three kids Spencer (age 8), Joshua (age 6), Bradley (age 4), all attending St. Christopher’s by The Sea Montessori School. We caught up with this working mom to ask her five quick facts about life both here on the Key and off.
What’s your favorite dinner on Key Biscayne?
My new favorite meal is ceviche from Marcelo’s truck. I enjoy Sunday afternoons at the beach and the Ritz KB – skinny mojitos or margaritas with chips and guacamole.
Your “Only on Key Biscayne” moment?
Friday night sunsets at the Key Biscayne Yacht Club. We go there knowing we will be among friends and family enjoying a relaxed evening on Biscayne Bay and looking forward to a weekend Key Biscayne style.
What do you wish we knew about New World Symphony?
NWS is the best young musicians working with established world-class artists to present classical music in appealing and modern ways. Yet there’s still the beauty of a big, traditional orchestra concert – and you can enjoy it all in our gorgeous new concert hall or outside at a Wallcast. As Miamians we’re so lucky to have it in our backyard. In fact, I believe NWS being created and thriving here for 25 years helped set the stage for the huge boom in cultural arts that we are enjoying here now.
What’s your favorite philanthropic cause?
In addition to the symphony I also am a fan of Casa Valentina, which helps provide life skills and temporary housing to smart, motivated teenage girls who are aging out of the foster care system.
What are you doing this summer?
We’re moving back into our house after long months of construction. And we’re going to Sydney, Australia to spend time with Scott’s family and dear friends. Hopefully we’ll find time for our annual visit to Newport,RI. Oh, and I am launching an NWS initiative focused on families and youth outreach. Whew!
Nancy you’re very interesting – we’ll have to give you a bonus question: What’s your wish for the next few months?
My wish is that I get through the move and summer with my sense of humor intact. I want to rediscover my lost fitness routine. And spend lots of time cuddling and laughing with all FOUR of my boys.