Style Encounter

Meet Angie Ferrer Domenecq

Whether you find Angie in her store in Ironside, walking at the beach with her children or at one of the fabulous events she attends regularly, there’s something in her style that transcends wherever she is. She has stance and a smile that doesn’t lie – one of those women who wears her heart up her sleeve with a t-shirt and a Fendi piece.

Name: Angie Ferrer Domenecq

Generation: 80’s big hair and great music

Occupation: I worked all my life in media and fashion, although I studied law. I have always been surrounded by friends who are designers and artists and that helped hone my eye and stimulate my creative vein. I like to think I am a “fanatic of beauty” in whatever manifestation: a flower, a painting, a necklace or a smile. My boutique ViBe and my new project ViBe edition are by-products of all of this.

FB – Charitable non-profit or philanthropic organization of choice?

AFD – I really feel that charity should be anonymous, an act of generosity, but now it’s part of one’s resume. I still collaborate with Helping Hands and Any Baby Can in Austin. Here I am involved with No More Tears, an amazing organization that fights human trafficking and domestic violence. Basically, anything involving children and women is a priority.

Angeles Almuna Weil
FB – What brought you to Miami?

AFD – We lived in Austin, TX for six years where it is easier and safer to raise children, but I was a bit bored (I still have friends there, but they know that it’s not about them!). We had such a good life there, that my daughter is convinced she is a Texan girl, but now home is here.

FB – You have been living in Miami long enough that …

AFD – I still have a love/hate relationship with this city; at least now I am faithful.

FB – Think 10 years ago – what’s the thing you can’t live without now that you didn’t have then?

AFD – My kids, Vincenzo who is 9, and Bella who is 5

FB – The one thing Miami is known for, but you have never visited, experienced, done, eaten? AFD – Visited the Everglades

FB – If you were to move, what would you miss the most of Miami?

AFD – The beach, I am a bit of a dolphin, and even though I don’t swim as much as I would like to, I cannot be too far from the ocean.

FB – The book on your nightstand?

AFD – Reading “Art Lover” by Peggy Guggenheim, but it’s not on the nightstand.

FB – The last time you went to the movies?

AFD – Ice Age – not a cartoon lover, but we do anything for our kids

FB – Your signature fragrance?

AFD – My new obsession is Metafora by Fueguia

FB – Heels or flats?

AFD – I love, adore heels, but I have been wearing lots of flats since I moved to Miami. The store has stairs.