Inner Circle of 12 Kick-Off

The American Cancer Society kicked off the 4th Annual Inner Circle of Twelve Luncheon at an exclusive luncheon event at Gibraltar at the Grove Isle Hotel and Spa. Recognized for their community leadership and philanthropy, this year’s Philanthropic Chair and twelve women of honor have demonstrated accomplishments within their profession, through volunteer activities and community involvement and are recognized for their commitment to eliminate cancer from the lives of friends and loved ones. Connie Russell will be honored as Philanthropic Chair and the 2011 Inner Circle of Twelve honorees are: Maria Browne, Ramona Busot, Anna May Conese, Linda Levy Goldberg, Irene Korge, Nicole Lozano, Tracy Mourning, Phillis Oeters, Claudia Puig, Diane Sepler, Marisa Toccin, and Bonnie Verbitsky. The Inner Circle of Twelve Luncheon will be on Thursday, February 10, 2011 at Indian Creek Country Club, produced by Sonia Gibson & Associates and chaired by Remedios Diaz-Oliver, Brenda Nestor Castellano, Sonia Gibson. Lilliam S. Machado, James “Jim” Murphy, and Dorothy St. Jean. For more information, please contact Carmen Piles at 305-779-2861 or by email at