5 Questions for “Shark Tank Colombia’s” Andrea Arnau

Miami-based and publicly traded Rokk3r’s chief marketing officer Andrea Arnau is currently appearing on Shark Tank Colombia or, Negociando con Tiburones. Colombia is one of more than 35 countries around the world where the show has been successfully adapted. Arnau — responsible for Rokk3r growth marketing initiatives — is among eight investors on the show.

Prior to joining Rokk3r, Arnau successfully led branding, digital strategy and business development for dozens of multinational companies as co-founder and partner of Tribal DDB Colombia, a subsidiary of the conglomerate DDB Worldwide Communications Group Inc. Arnau there spearheaded marketing initiatives for McDonald’s, State Farm, Hyundai, H&R Block, Bud Light, Royal Caribbean and many others. Here, she answers our Five Questions.

Congratulations on your Shark Tank Colombia appearance, how did this happen?

Shark Tank came to me because of my experience as an entrepreneur, consultant and my current role building “investable” companies at Rokk3r. They found me through a friend who has kept in touch and followed my career for many years. They liked my background and the fact that my current focus is to help build companies that have the potential to grow exponentially with an international focus through technology.

What aspects of Miami do you think will hit the show through your appearance?

I think I one of my main roles there was to show Colombian entrepreneurs that they can dream big. Miami, for me and I know that for many other Latinos, has been the materialization of that attitude. I have been living in Miami for many years now and since the first moment I came, it was to build something that transcended the mental barriers that we sometimes impose on ourselves when we stay in our comfort zones.

What do you hope this appearance will do for your own career?

I hope it will allow me to collaborate with entrepreneurs who are building interesting businesses. I also hope I can help people who tune into the show understand that they can build something different and that the entire world can be your customer, not just the people in their city, or country.

What do you think this show does for the business community and entrepreneurs?

It is easy-to-access advice on entrepreneurship, business planning, pitching, interacting with potential investors and more. There really aren’t many other places where people can get a look into those experiences as spectators.

What marketing advice would you give new businesses? And what about established ones?

It’s essential to build a strong brand, whether a business or a person – one that has a clear and unique perspective on the world.