Ornare Presents Design Talk
Tui Pranich
Tui Pranich is well known and respected in Miami. A Cornell University graduate, Pranich received his degree in architecture and worked at a Boston firm before deciding in 1984 to open his own interior design company.
Though Pranich often travels for work, he considers Miami his home and is very impressed with the city’s growth.
“Miami has changed a lot,” he said. “It’s more international and I feel the city has grown tremendously. If you talk about Miami to anyone around the world, because I travel a lot, people recognize Miami.”
Pictured: Ashlee Harrison and Tui Pranich at Tui’s annual holiday party
SOCIALEYES: MCH Inaugural Diamond Society Recognition Event
Miami Children’s Hospital Foundation recently celebrated some of its donors at the Inaugural Diamond Society Recognition Event held at The Cruz Building in Coconut Grove.
The Diamond Society honors individuals who have provided major philanthropic support for Miami Children’s Hospital, beginning with the Champagne Diamond for a cumulative contribution of $25,000 all the way to the rarest hue of all, the Red Diamond, for those who reach a level of $10 million or more.
Event guests had the opportunity to hear from Vanessa Martinez, whose 22-month-old daughter Luna’s life was saved by the Miami Children’s Hospital cardiac team. Luna also made a special appearance to thank the guests.
Pictured: Luna Martinez and MCH Foundation President & Ceo Lucy Morillo-Agnetti
JCS Celebrates at Annual Meeting
Jewish Community Services’ 13th Annual Meeting, held recently at Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus, was a celebration of JCS good work and achievements over the past year. Board Chair Richard Hoffman welcomed the 100 guests for a program that included a report from JCS President/ CEO Fred Stock on the agency’s future plans and strategies designed to ensure JCS continues to deliver its vision of a healthy South Florida community.
Pictured: South Dade Branch Director at Greater Miami Jewish Federation Ike Heller; GMJF Chief Planning Officer Michelle Labgold; JCS President & CEO Fred Stock; and JCS Vice President of Resource Development David Feigenbaum