Style Encounter

Meet Daniel Novela

Name: Daniel Novela

Generation: X

Occupation: Corporate Lawyer, Menswear Designer, Art and Watch Enthusiast

FB – What brought you to Miami?

DN – My parents moved here my senior year in high school from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Before that I had lived in rural Indiana. I’m a first generation American of Cuban descent. But the energy of Miami is what made me stay. I’ve lived in many places around the world, but Miami has an energy that is unique; whenever I land here, I know I’m home.

FB – The charitable, non-profit or philanthropic organization of choice?

DN – I have two. Locust Projects and YoungArts. Locust Projects is an extremely innovative local arts project and curated exhibition space in the Design District. I’ve admired this organization for many years and recently joined its Board of Directors. They do an excellent job of bringing new visual artists to Miami, including some of the best, not-to-be-missed exhibitions during Art Basel Miami. YoungArts is a great national organization founded in Miami, which mentors emerging artist in multiple disciplines, such as music, theater, visual arts and dance. I am on their Influencers Board, and I love this organization because of the quality and impact it has in the arts. Also, due to its multi-disciplinary focus, anyone can relate to it. The new YoungArts campus being designed by Frank Gehry at the old Bacardi headquarters will be spectacular.

FB – You have been living in Miami long enough that …

DN – Most problems can be solved with a sunny day and a glass of Rose.

FB – Think 5 years ago – what’s the thing you can’t live without today that you didn’t have then?

dn – A Casa de Novelas blazer. (Here is where I asked him when we can expect a women’s blazer, borrowed from the boys, and he said they are working on it.)

FB – The book on your nightstand?

DN – “1000 Chairs” – I’m obsessed with innovative chair designs.

Daniel Novela suits that other side of the Miami style, the non-stereotyped one we all know and are mad about: relaxed elegance (pun intended). Wearing a blazer that takes you with nonchalance and ease from day to night is indeed very Miami, in a chic tropical way.

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