Style Encounter
Meet Daniela Frewa

Generation: Millennial
Occupation: Sotheby’s International Realty, Marketing Director for Latin America and the Caribbean. “I went from jewelry (she is the former PR and Communication manager for Bulgari, n.d.r.) to real estate, but the world of luxury and communication have been the constant.
Charity of Choice: – Chair of the Fundraising Committee for No More Tears, a non-profit organization that aids victims of domestic violence –; Co-Chair of the Steering Committee for the PAMM Contemporaries (the museum’s young professionals group) –; Marketing & Communications Chair of the Chefs Up Front Committee, an event that raises funds for FLIPANY (Florida Introduces Physical Activity and Nutrition to Youth) –
FB – You have been living long enough in Miami that . . .
DF – “I absolutely love it!”
She doesn’t hesitate with a happy sigh and a genuine smile.
FB – What brought you to Miami?
DF – “The political situation of Venezuela, my native country. I was lucky to be able to leave after high school, enroll and complete my college degree and the rest is history.”
DF – “There are a few. I read anything about the brain lately, and the one I am reading now is called ‘The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg’.”
FB – Your signature fragrance or the many if you have?
DF – “Bulgari’s White Tea has been by far my go-to perfume; for the evening I like something more intriguing like Cafe’ Rose by Tom Ford.”
FB – This is a self-explanatory question, but please elaborate: Flats or Heels?
DF – “You know the answer.”
FB – Didn’t you use to have a second bedroom dedicated to your shoes?
DF – “Yes, now it’s a bit more contained and they are all contained in a system in the master closet.”
(That’s how I got a sneak peek of her closet.)
Frewa is not only a stylish traveler and unparalleled professional, but she takes “giving back to the community” by the horns. Her latest endeavor is organizing a fundraiser for No More Tears, a privately funded organization that assists victims of domestic violence and child trafficking.
Be ready for more.